
Help I am obsessed with google searches that have exactly 1 result.

· · Web · 0 · 7 · 14

Quotes make it much easier. The fact that I can't list the queries textually on mastodon without destroying them is also kinda fun.

On the other hand, I can make a 0 result into a 1 result by tooting about it presumably.

For example, "gentoo stalin" has no results right now.
Soon that will be fixed if this gets boosted :)

Anyways, it's really fun to try to just guess phrases at random that may work. A surprising number have for me!

@ek were you aware there's a name for this hobby? It's called googlewhacking, and I've been consistently intrigued by it I forgot the name, thank you!

@fwiprose @ek huh i learned them with a different name – neat

@ek I don't find bubbled search results to be that interesting.

@ek this reminds me of a time our IT teacher told us about these things, and called them "googlebombs"

he told us to look them up but the school's firewall thing blocked it because "bomb" was in the search term

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