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how is stealing fonts so hard all i wanted was 8 letters for a dumb meme but now my meme has to use a worse font
my meme has been ruined and the british government switching fonts is to blame's packaging is top-notch.

The alternating 'doof' and '&knuckles' put a smile on my face.

Apparently .aero originally reserved all three letter domains for IATA codes, but only a couple hundred airports took them up on it

For a sense of scale on 'only 227 registered one', there are currently 9161 IATA airport codes


3 million lines of "if err != nil"

If you can't tell, I'm sorting through some old files.

Euan boosted

A sql database? Oh you mean multiplayer spreadsheets


I dig the 4MB js file with broken cache headers, thanks Dockerhub.

This screenshot is stale though, they've since fixed the cache headers and also added .5MB to the js file.

I would like to apologize to other users of; outgoing emails were inoperable for the last several weeks due to a misconfiguration.
The issue has been fixed. All monitoring alarms which did not sound have been fired.

Euan boosted

wobscale service announcement:

wobscale is migrating its social media presence to this account.

this is not considered downtime for billing purposes.

I'm amazed this number is not much bigger.
"Eat my jorts" - Bort Simpson

alexa, gender 

I wonder what gender the programmer who wrote that "who's a good boy" line was?
Also, Catherine the great... nice

Sitting in our living room shouting "my brand" as we look at hundreds of upside down clouds

TIL there's an observed pattern of Russia's state leaders alternating between bald(ing) and hairy

Euan boosted

the conductor says “don’t miss it!” after announcing every station stop which is beautiful imo

Hanlon's razor of companies
Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by capitalism.

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Wobscale Social - a server for friends of the Wob, affiliated with Wobscale Technologies