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bad joke, jorts 

Did you hear about the individual who was arrested for illegally using jorts as drugs?

They went to court for a tort jort snort

Only a few days left in the linux factory!
I'm a little scared and reasonably excited to see how this stint of freedom goes.

Euan boosted

just realized that AOL instant messenger survived long enough to see itself become vaporwave
irb > "jeff bezos".chars.permutation.to_a.sample.join
=> "jobef zefs"

Euan boosted

mods can't use the moderator interface, send BGP shitposts

Euan boosted

ukpol shitpost 

@ek should've voted remain

how is stealing fonts so hard all i wanted was 8 letters for a dumb meme but now my meme has to use a worse font
my meme has been ruined and the british government switching fonts is to blame's packaging is top-notch.

The alternating 'doof' and '&knuckles' put a smile on my face.

Apparently .aero originally reserved all three letter domains for IATA codes, but only a couple hundred airports took them up on it

For a sense of scale on 'only 227 registered one', there are currently 9161 IATA airport codes


3 million lines of "if err != nil"

If you can't tell, I'm sorting through some old files.

Euan boosted

A sql database? Oh you mean multiplayer spreadsheets


I dig the 4MB js file with broken cache headers, thanks Dockerhub.

This screenshot is stale though, they've since fixed the cache headers and also added .5MB to the js file.

I would like to apologize to other users of; outgoing emails were inoperable for the last several weeks due to a misconfiguration.
The issue has been fixed. All monitoring alarms which did not sound have been fired.

Euan boosted

wobscale service announcement:

wobscale is migrating its social media presence to this account.

this is not considered downtime for billing purposes.

I'm amazed this number is not much bigger.
"Eat my jorts" - Bort Simpson

alexa, gender 

I wonder what gender the programmer who wrote that "who's a good boy" line was?
Also, Catherine the great... nice

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Wobscale Social - a server for friends of the Wob, affiliated with Wobscale Technologies