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Euan boosted
Euan boosted

I know we joke about shitty error pages, but has anyone seen the Bloomberg 404 page Because?

Euan boosted

This is a reminder that a POSIX way to get the unix timestamp is `awk 'BEGIN{srand();print srand()}'`

Euan boosted
Euan boosted
Euan boosted

Apparently my kindle not charging was fixed by rotating through two usb charging hub things, then restarting my computer and charging through that.


We're comparing OIDC server thingies for wobscale and I noticed this spooky coincidence in the top two contenders

Twitter's "maybe we'll ban nazis" blogpost is a few paragraphs and then a big image of more text.

How very twitter

Euan boosted
Euan boosted

there is some absolutely phenomenal art on the juror floor at the seattle municipal court

here is “112 Wristwatches”

I think I have fixed my caching problem. There is now :wob: and :mysql_real_wob:

Oh no, caching happened. I think it's time for wob2

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Wobscale Social - a server for friends of the Wob, affiliated with Wobscale Technologies