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Euan boosted
Euan boosted

what do you call a fish with no eyes? 

a Mexican Tetra! specifically one deriving from the Pachon cave system!

no wait

a fsh

I told it wrong

Euan boosted

I still just adore that
- the model 01 has an "any" key
- the factory firmware maps that to a function which (effectively) picks a random lowercase letter or number to press


All strawberrys get in only 5.7k deaths. I am so hooked on this game.

Euan boosted

redhat, long 

From the RH code of conduct:

> Participation in an open source community project, whether maintained by the Company or by another commercial or non-commercial entity or organization, does not constitute a conflict of interest even where you may make a determination in the interest of the project that is adverse to the Company' s interests

Thank you shadowman. IThat wording is really nice, esp for me given my wobbing.

Euan boosted

"this fire hydrant seems incredibly suspicious" — @ek

Euan boosted

Did you know you can brew beer from potatoes? It's a tuber made beer

Euan boosted
Euan boosted
Euan boosted
Euan boosted
Euan boosted

japanese loanword abbreviations are cute.

heli (ヘリ) - helicopter
biru (ビル) - building
pasocon (パソコン) - personal computer / PC

2/10 toot 

I regretfully inform myself of 5 minutes ago that he was not funny

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10/10 branding guidelnes shocked by this toot 

atomic container host linux by core hat

Using computers qualifies as a cosmic background gee-willikers

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