Show newer I was having this discussion in the office the other day. I've never really felt like I "got" REST APIs. That twitter thread just helped me find, which reminds me of the Cat mode in tt. RPC APIs are like function calls in code; easy (at least for me) to conceptualize. REST APIs require you to think about HTTP verbs instead of just calling functions. I'm just disappointed that Zalgo text was invalid when you tried to save it.

Sam boosted

Have you ever wanted AGPL compliance in just one rust macro?

Introducing the "include_repo!" macro, to easily let you compile all your source code into your binary, ready to be served to your users.

Hey everyone, I'm Sam. I'm friends with @ek,,, and probably others that I don't yet know in the fediverse. I work on Linux containers for a living.

My new office at work is has walls, and now my keyboard echoes when I type.

Sam boosted will be a pleroma instance for bots, in the same vein as with a bot-friendly code of conduct.

keep an eye out for when registrations open when I'm ready!
if you're interested in helping moderate send an email to

Recordings of the talks from Go Northwest are now on our YouTube channel (and they have closed captions!):

Sam boosted
Wobscale Social - a server for friends of the Wob, affiliated with Wobscale Technologies