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@iliana I ended up logging in from a new private browsing session to verify that the password change actually worked.

Yay software.

Sam boosted


"The Amazon ECR Docker Credential Helper ( …) is now available in Debian Buster (testing), Debian Sid (unstable), and Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo (development)!"

@iliana What are you trying to optimize for? If you have a sparsely-populated subnet, random can be a good choice.

Finally bought a Silent Brass practice mute. I've been wanting one for a long time, but never pulled the trigger. Had to use up my corporate discount before the end of the year though, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

@iliana I've had this in /etc/hosts for a long time. Thanks for your help today! This is a good design.

Six years after I graduated, my university is finally deleting my student webspace... You're welcome 😀 It is a good baseball bat.

It's really not okay to reply "Ha, no" to a bug report.


I learned about /proc/<pid>/mountinfo today. Actually a good use of my time. Seven Signs, but I only see four... Sometimes I wonder if REST caught on so much because Rails made it easy to get something RESTish running.

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Wobscale Social - a server for friends of the Wob, affiliated with Wobscale Technologies