mistborn minimal spoilers 

First mistborn book mini-review.

Overall, I think it wasn't bad.
The magic system and world felt well constructed with decent depth.

The story arc the book set up and executed also seemed well done, with a good number of subplots and a neat climax.

There were "guy-writing-girl" moments, some messy pacing here and there, poorly fleshed out politics, and some serious deus ex machina, but those didn't detract enough to stop me from reading it.


mistborn minimal spoilers 

Character development was also somewhat iffy, and there are loose ends (though most seem intentional).

The whole plot was neatly executed, but it was also very cliche, with only a few surprises.

Honestly, the politics bit may have been the weakest bit for me. I dig a book that does a good job of creating a political system and executing within it, and for a few hot seconds it seemed like it might happen in mistborn, but nope :(

Overall, still worth the read for me.

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mistborn, spoilers 

(now, with spoilers, you have been warned)

There really was a bit too much deus ex machina for me with the 'Marsh is an Inquisitor (and just in time)' bit. wtf.
Vin also had some mary sue traits (special-super-powered mistborn, desirable to a noble who is good, actually, etc etc).

Kelsier's martyr/Jesus plot felt a bit heavy in a few spots, and honestly Yeden's character arc in relation to him was just *bad* imo.

I like Kelsier's plotline in the abstract a lot though.

mistborn, spoilers 

The thing that actually carried it was that abstract plotline combined with just enough character development (aka Vin growing into her mary-sue-dom) and just enough world/history building to keep me hooked.

I'm also going to keep reading the series in no small part because I hope it touches more on how the world got to where it is; on the class divide and specific societal roles, in short, the final empire.

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