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Software that makes it easy to do the wrong thing and hard to do the right thing is my nemesis.

I'm trying to have an email conversation with a travel agent about a trip for me and my wife, and the agent keeps removing my wife from the To line...

It might be a problem how many times the word "variety" appears in this document so far.

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I am having Thoughts about Package Repositories and things are going rapidly downhill.

The Amazon leadership principal "Disagree and Commit" does not mean "Do what I want because I'm more senior than you."

I'm really tired of having to deal with the missing stair.

No, I can't open file:///C:/users/foo/Downloads/123456.pdf when you send me that link over instant message.


Sam boosted


"The Amazon ECR Docker Credential Helper ( …) is now available in Debian Buster (testing), Debian Sid (unstable), and Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo (development)!"

Finally bought a Silent Brass practice mute. I've been wanting one for a long time, but never pulled the trigger. Had to use up my corporate discount before the end of the year though, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Six years after I graduated, my university is finally deleting my student webspace...

It's really not okay to reply "Ha, no" to a bug report.


I learned about /proc/<pid>/mountinfo today. Actually a good use of my time.

Sam boosted

Have you ever wanted AGPL compliance in just one rust macro?

Introducing the "include_repo!" macro, to easily let you compile all your source code into your binary, ready to be served to your users.

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