Show newer Oh no, I just looked at the map image it associated with that answer.
That heat scale...

Euan boosted

This is the weirdest pkg-config invocation I've seen:

Yes, I'm reading that code because it didn't work in some case

vim: "Google, how do I quit?"
neovim: "Google, how do I escape :terminal mode?"

I am now the third fastest person to report a time for Celestial Resort, side B.
Third fastest can also be written as "slowest".
Wow did that take ages to finally beat without dying.

Have you ever wanted AGPL compliance in just one rust macro?

Introducing the "include_repo!" macro, to easily let you compile all your source code into your binary, ready to be served to your users.

Euan boosted

Hey everyone, I'm Sam. I'm friends with @ek,,, and probably others that I don't yet know in the fediverse. I work on Linux containers for a living.

For anyone curious about the details, it's basically "ipv6"

In go's defence, the behaviour was fixed in go1.9, so it probably can't panic anymore (whoops, didn't realize that until I looked it up now) For bonus points, did you know that the `Addr` may not actually be what it's listening on?

That is to say, the following code can panic in some cases:

conn, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't listen")
_, err = net.Dial("tcp", conn.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
panic("this does happen in some cases")


Original commit that added it doesn't totally answer why it exists, but I guess it's the best I'll get for now. It was a lot shorter back then too!

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software It is amazing and I developed muscle memory for using it...

And then the code scared me too much so I rewrote it in rust, so I use pazi these days (

I'm looking into the best way to bring fasd's file-path-tracking stuff into pazi too is why I'm reading this code


As far as I can tell, it works!

echo '..' | sed ..... => /home

echo 'foo/../foo' | sed ... => /home/esk/foo

But also why does this exist

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the best and worst implementation of realpath I've seen:

sed '/^[^/]/s@^@'"$PWD"'/@
s@[^/][^/]*//*\.\./@/@;t 0


Euan boosted

I'm happy to announce the release of pazi 0.1.0! If you spend lots of time in your shell, pazi might help you get around!

err != nil But I'm here to talk about Go

I'm at Rustconf tomorrow (and Portland for half a day today and Saturday)!

If anyone wants to meet up, let me know

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